Your Purpose Is Calling

Annagail Lynes, Life Coach

Let Him Handle It

Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? _ John 14:9

Jesus is a reflection of the Father.  He is in the same image as God.  We are in the same image, but many times we do not reflect the Father’s attitudes, behaviors and thoughts.  This is why we must surrender ourselves every day, submit to the Holy Spirit and let Him change us.  If we try to change ourselves, we will fail every time.  When we let the Holy Spirit take control, we will be amazed by the progress we make, the transformation that occurs.

– Annagail Lynes


Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?  Do you believe Jesus died to pay the price for your sin?  That He was raised from the dead?  Then just pray aloud, “Lord Jesus, I repent of all my sins.  Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.”  If you believed in your heart and confessed with your mouth, you are Born-again.  Let us know if you prayed this prayer.


Annagail Lynes is the author of several ebooks, “Dating God’s Way,” “Who Are You Hanging With,” “The Heart Of God Devotional” as well as three novels.   Find out more by visiting
or for a list of used items for sale, go to  Also subscribe to her free weekly ezine that includes Biblical questions answered, Bible quizzes, articles, devotionals and classified ads at

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